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2025年2月2日 ·
note: this is edited and re-posted from 2024 - because I have to remind myself anew every new...
2024年12月31日 ·
In thinking back on 2024 (as one does at year's end), one memory stood out - partly because it...
2024年10月1日 ·
I love Latin phrases. I can't explain why. Perhaps it's because they're OLD. Perhaps it's because...
2024年8月4日 ·
As you may know, we recently welcomed our first grandbaby! Each and every baby is an unspeakable...
2024年4月29日 ·
George MacDonald said: "Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness,...
2024年3月29日 ·
{This blog entry was originally posted on 4-14-2017. It has been slightly revised here.} The...
2024年2月8日 ·
I know many people choose a theme word for the year. I don't usually do that. But this year I...
2024年1月31日 ·
January in Minnesota always brings to mind winter camping. In my junior year of college, I took a...
2024年1月5日 ·
note: this is edited and re-posted from 2023 - because I had to remind myself. We’re just...
2023年12月20日 ·
Our first child was a Christmas baby - born the day after the first Sunday of Advent. The timing...
2023年11月15日 ·
Every season calls for favorite baked goods but autumn and winter SCREAM for Cranberry Scones -...
2023年7月9日 ·
Recently, on a bright summer day, our Abraham married his Taylor. It was a day of great joy: a...
2023年6月2日 ·
Sometimes, I'm at a loss for what to pray. Prayers come easily for those I love but stall in...
2023年5月16日 ·
Much has been said about children attaching to their mothers - but there's another facet to that...
2023年4月8日 ·
{This blog entry was originally posted on 4-14-2017. It has been slightly revised here.} The...
2023年3月9日 ·
This Lenten season, I'm doing something I've always wanted to do. I'm reading or listening to...
2023年2月1日 ·
This life requires much of us, doesn't it? So much perseverance to endure the hard stuff with...
2023年1月15日 ·
note: this is edited and re-posted from 2022 - because I had to remind myself. We’re just...
DNA testing and genealogy research have gained such popularity in recent years. Never before has...
2022年11月30日 ·
Randy and I were blessed to visit Greece recently. I've always wanted to visit the country of my...