As you may know, we recently welcomed our first grandbaby! Each and every baby is an unspeakable miracle. But this little being, Everest Rand Pederson, caught us all off guard. We had accepted the unlikeliness - even the impossibility - of his conception. But God gifted Jonathan and Salem - and all who know them - with this little wonder.
As we had with our own children, we wanted to craft a blessing to proclaim over this grand-one and any other lineage we might have.
But what should we say - what should we pray? Randy and I wanted to stitch ancient words together that would cover them with a bright quilt of comfort. Words that have strengthened us and oriented us God-ward over the years.
This was the result:
We thank God Almighty for you, dear heart.
Long before you were born,
or even conceived, we started praying for you
and we promise - God helping us - to continue to pray for you
all of our days. ✨❤️✨
✨ May the Lord direct your heart to love of God
and to the steadfastness of Christ.…
✨ May you know that the LORD commands
His steadfast love toward you by day,
and that at night His song is with you….
✨ And may you not fear,
always remembering
that you are worth many sparrows
to your dad and mom, to us, and to God.
~ 2 Thessalonians 3:5, Psalm 42:8, Matthew 10:31
We have a blessing song that we sang over our kids for many years. It's a quote from Victor Hugo. We had a blessing blanket made of it. We hope our grandchildren will cozy up in the fleeciness of it and be warmed by the words as they grow in understanding.
Good-night! Good-night!
Far flies the light;
But still God's love
Shall flame above,
Making all bright,