The Manger Barn

· Traditions,Family,Advent,Christmas

In thinking back on 2024 (as one does at year's end), one memory stood out - partly because it was so recent - but partly due to it's significance. I share it here because it's one of our favorite, oldest family traditions but also one of the simplest! For almost 40 years, we've enjoyed a yearly visit to the Manger Barn.

We love going to the life size, outdoor crèche at the Cathedral of Saint Paul. This stunning cathedral happens to be just a couple miles away from us now but we haven't always lived so close - for some years we lived 45 minutes away. But since 1985, it's been part of our December most years. When Jacob was a toddler and farm fanatic, he dubbed it the Manger Barn. At that time, we lived about 10 minutes from the Cathedral and we sometimes drove by it every day. Truth be told - there were times we went several times a day!

We've been to the Manger Barn in every weather - from icy and cold to sunny and bright to even rainy. Way back when, we carried real candles but now we use modern battery-operated ones. We don't do a big production - we just stand and look - remarking on slight differences from year to year. We often follow the Manger Barn visit with a Summit Avenue drive. Just beautiful - especially on a dark, snowy night!

This year's pilgrimage stood out as a special memory because all of our family was there - including baby Everest. I felt tearful looking at my people, their faces candlelit - gazing in at the familiar, stoic statues. My soul brimmed with gratitude - for these people and for the miracle that old crèche embodies.

I'm hopeful that this tradition will provide warm memories for my kids and point them to the miracle of Bethlehem.

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