Sage Sayings #6: This Day...

· Sage Sayings,Printables,Prayer

The worries of the day are often upon us before the day breaks. 

This prayer - by an unknown 18th century Christian - is stabilizing and strengthening. Our forebear reminded him/herself of the brevity of life and the daily-ness of it - and asked God to hold all that that day held. Today IS all we have...

Almighty God,

As I cross the threshold of this day

I commit myself, soul, body, affairs, friends, to thy care;

watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, bless me.

Incline my heart to thy ways...

Let those around see me living by the Spirit...

Let no evil this day soil my thoughts, words, hands...

May I view all things in the mirror of eternity…

May I speak each word as if my last word,

And walk each step as my final one.

If my life should end today,

Let this be my best day.

(from Valley of Vision)


If you'd like to make your own collection of Sage Sayings, I'm posting printable versions. You may print them out and post them on a clipboard, or slap them into your journal, or stick them in a card, or frame them to display.

Note: for more info about the Sage Sayings series, see the blog post from February 6, 2017.